Saturday, February 22, 2020

Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Criminal Justice - Essay Example In the correction, responsibilities of prison are the safekeeping of inmates, maintenance and improving welfare of inmates. Safekeeping requires that inmates are controlled; securely locked away, while giving them some moments for recreation, counseling, and education. Despite welfare efforts, inmates feel dehumanized and suffer condemnation and rejection by society and as a result breed ill feelings. When subjected to solitary confinement, which is one of prison’s recourse, psychological effects results to â€Å"dissatisfactions in life, delusions, panic feelings, claustrophobia, depression and madness†. Imprisonment is a host to other related psychological problems that results to trauma, mental and physical illnesses to some. As of 2006, the Bureau of Justice System estimated that there are about 705,000 jailed persons who are mentally ill, and that its growing number affects the correction policy of the government(Pollard, Anita, n.d.) Inmates receive health care while incarcerated, but the problem begins when they are released. Many of them, after spending years in prison are unemployed, have no means of livelihood, experience difficulties in reintegration to society, and lack health care insurance. As psychological problems become statewide occurrences, and reintegration to society even becomes more difficult upon their release from prison, the government is looking for possibilities that they be covered by Medicaid to access health care. Likewise, as a standard procedure, inmates go into various forms of counseling and physical activities while in prison. As trauma becomes a psychological problem by many of the inmates, researches have been done by medical practitioners on how to address psychological problems of inmates. Trauma, that has been tangled with experiences of mental illness, substance abuse, and behavioral problems often results to psychiatric disorder. (Wallace, B.C and

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